Around Saia
This month, we're featuring Saia Receiving the “Patriotic Citizen Award” from the VFW in Raceland, Louisiana. Also featured are stories on a driver sharing a personal note, HGO's annual holiday food drive and MIA employees receiving their safety awards.
Saia Receives “Patriotic Citizen Award”

Every year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) All American Post #3665 in Raceland, Louisiana presents the “Patriotic Citizen Award” to an individual or business entity. The citation is given in grateful appreciation for unsolicited inspirational patriotic service to the community through the daily display of the United States flag.
This year, Saia was given the award for their daily display of the flag in the HGO’s main lobby, in addition to the support they provided the community after Hurricane Ida.
The award was presented at the VFW’s annual awards banquet held in September by Post Commander James Prestenback and Auxiliary President Rachel Turchin to HGO Benefits Coordinator Jamie Foret. Congratulations to the HGO!
Driver Shares Personal Post-It

CGO District Sales Manager Jamie Dutter reached out about a note SBN Line Driver Danny Cox shared with her during the November quarterly employee meetings. The note read, “We worked through the pandemic. We deliver life!” Jamie said the note really touched her and she wanted to share it with the rest of the company.
“Following our week of quarterly meetings, I wanted to bring something special back from our SBN terminal, from Danny Cox,” Jamie said. “When we talked about his note, I could see the pride in his eyes. Our drivers, dockworkers, managers, etc. have remained on the frontline while most of America was shuddered. They truly are an amazing bunch!”
Accounts Receivable Department Collects Food

Despite the lingering impact of Hurricane Ida, Saia’s Accounts Receivable Department at the HGO held their annual holiday food drive. Thanks to all for helping support those less fortunate in your local community!
MIA Employees Receive Safety Awards

Several Miami, Florida terminal employees were presented with safety certificates during the November quarterly employee meetings. Congratulations to all recipients! Way to go!