Safety Source
Roadcheck 2019 Scheduled for June
The 72-hour safety initiative is scheduled to take place this June 4-6.
Roadcheck 2019, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) 72-hour safety initiative, is scheduled to take place this June 4-6. The initiative is the largest safety enforcement program regarding commercial vehicles in the world.
On average, 17 trucks and buses will be inspected every minute in Canada, Mexico, and the United States during the event. Since its inception in 1988, more than 1.6 million roadside inspections have been conducted because of the annual campaign.
This year, inspectors will primarily conduct the “North American Standard Level I Inspection,” focusing on steering and suspension systems.
According to Jay Thompson, CVSA president and chief of the Arkansas Highway Police, steering and suspension are safety-critical systems for any commercial motor vehicle. “Not only do they support the heavy loads carried by trucks and buses, but they also help maintain stability and control under acceleration and braking,” he explained.

During an inspection, drivers will be required to provide their driver’s license, or operating credentials; medical examiner’s certificate; driver’s record of duty status; and skill performance evaluation certificate and vehicle inspection report(s), if applicable. Inspectors will also check drivers for seat belt usage, sickness, fatigue and apparent alcohol and/or drug impairment.
Out-of-service orders and the number, type, and severity of safety violations affect a carrier’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) score and its safety fitness determination rating. CSA is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s safety compliance and enforcement program designed to improve safety and prevent commercial motor vehicle crashes, injuries and fatalities by holding motor carriers and drivers accountable for their role in safety. That’s why it’s critical for each of our drivers to make sure they:
- Buckle up
- Perform a proper pre-inspection
- Get in a safety mindset
- Maintain a safe following distance
- Make only safe and necessary lane changes
- Focus on driving and avoid distractions
- Get enough sleep
As always, it is very important to Saia that drivers properly prepare. A Saia-branded duffle bag will be given to every driver that returns with a clean inspection.
If any driver has any questions about Roadcheck 2019, they should contact their terminal or regional safety manager.