monthly news for Saia employees
August 2017

Benefits Corner

Our Benefits Corner this month covers the Secrets to Sound Sleep. There are also articles on the Know Your Numbers (KYN) Annual Event as well as Preventive Care: What You Need to Be Your Healthiest.

By Kristy Roger
Corporate Benefits Manager
August 2017

Secrets to Sound Sleep

Have a ritual - Go to bed at the same time. Wake up at the same time.

Calm yourself before bedtime - Many enjoy yoga, a hot shower or bath, or listening to soothing music. Do something that relaxes you as part of your nightly ritual.

Avoid things that will keep you awake - This includes avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bedtime. Don't exercise right before bedtime either. Finish dinner several hours before bedtime - Avoid foods that cause indigestion. If you get hungry at night, snack on foods that (in your experience) won't disturb your sleep. 

Don't watch TV or read in bed - You only want to associate your bed and bedroom with sleep. While in bed, if you find yourself awake for more than 10 minutes, get out of bed and sit in a chair until you are sleepy.

Don't stress out about not falling asleep - If you have a bad night, or find yourself awake for longer than expected, don't be upset with yourself.

Realize that daytime naps will subtract some of the pressure - However, use them with caution if you're having difficulty sleeping at night.

Sources: American Sleep Association, Harvard Medicine School Sleep Medicine

Know Your Numbers (KYN) Annual Event

September 1 – October 31, 2017

Schedule an appointment for a biometric screening by clicking here -

Choose option 1, 2, or 3

Also, don’t forget to take your online health assessment!


Quest On-site Event


Schedule an appointment online for an on-site event at a Saia location.

Quest Patient Service Center (PSC)

Fits your schedule

Schedule an appointment online with a Quest PSC.


Primary Care Physician (PCP)

Schedule an appointment with your in-network UnitedHealthcare PCP.  

Download the PCP voucher and take it with you to the appointment.

You must submit your own results!


Choose any option, but the biometric screening (and the online health assessment) must be completed and the paperwork submitted between Sept.1 – Oct. 31, 2017


  • Spousal participation is required to avoid the elective premium increase if your spouse will be covered by Saia’s health insurance in 2018
  • It’s recommended you fast 9–12 hours before the screening, health permitting
  • Please bring valid photo identification (ID) such as your driver's license or state ID along with your Saia employee ID to the on-site event or Quest PSC (Eligible spouses, please use employee Saia ID# plus “01”.)

These non-insurance services are provided by Humana Wellness.

Preventive Care:
What You Need to Be Your Healthiest

What if there was something that might help you live longer and be healthier — and it didn’t cost you any extra money? Sounds like a sweet deal, right? In fact, there is such a thing. It’s called preventive care. And, most health plans cover it at no additional cost to you when you see a provider in your network.*

It’s all about keeping well

Preventive care is designed to help you stay healthy. It may help catch health problems early - before any signs of illness. Often, that’s when they’re easier to treat.

Preventive care includes:

  • Screening tests - These help detect conditions such as diabetes and certain types of cancer - and provide important information about your heart health. Your doctor can tell you what’s recommended for you based on your risk factors.
  • Vaccines - These aren’t just for kids. Adults need them to help prevent illnesses such as flu, tetanus and whooping cough.
  • Wellness check-ups - Seeing your primary care doctor for preventive visits gives you a chance to find out what tests and vaccines you need. It’s also an opportunity to discuss steps to help you live a healthier life, such as quitting tobacco, being more active or losing weight.

100,000 lives are worth a call

If everyone in the U.S. got the recommended preventive care, more than 100,000 lives could be saved each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So, don’t put it off any longer. Make an appointment to see your primary doctor.

What should I do next?

Get a handy checklist at Go over this list of vaccines with your doctor to see what immunizations may be right for you.

* Check your benefit plan to see what may be covered. Blood work and other lab tests may not be covered under the preventive care benefit.