Around Saia
This month's Around Saia features the retirement of several employees. Also included are stories on Mr. Atlanta Falcons and the FAR terminal's record achievement.
Terminal Manager Retires
At the end of October, DSM Terminal Manager Scott Thomas retired after 12 years of service with the company. Scott, congratulations on this well-deserved achievement as you begin a new chapter in life. You’ll be missed!

Line Driver Retires

Earlier this fall, ATL Line Driver Mike Eppinga retired after driving 25 years on the company’s behalf! Many thanks to you, Mike! All of us at Saia wish you many enjoyable years of retirement!
Long-time ATL Employee Retires
David Farrill, who was all-things building maintenance for the Atlanta, Georgia terminal, retired in November after working at Saia for just over 25 years. David was a beloved employee who could be counted on to address any need or request at the facility by anyone! He was honored with a retirement party where many of his fellow Saia team members stopped by to extend their best wishes. Thank you, David, for your years of service. You deserve it! But, you will be sorely missed!

Mr. Atlanta Falcons

ATL Dockworker Frederick Sims, showed up in his Falcons attire after Atlanta beat the Saints 26-9 in November. During the game, the Falcons sacked Saint’s quarterback Drew Brees six times and held New Orleans without a touchdown. By winning the game, the Falcons’ six-game losing streak came to an end and put a stop to New Orleans' six-game stretch of wins.
FAR Terminal Records 1151 Injury-free Days

Pictured from left to right are DLS Regional HR Manager Kevin Hamilton, FAR City Driver Steve Brunson, AQE Zone Manager Hever Bustos, FAR City Drivers Adam Spencer and Mitchel Towns, and AQE Account Executive John Warner.

Our Farmington, NM terminal recently celebrated 1151 days, injury-free. To recognize this milestone, Zone Manager Hever Bustos manned the grill and cooked steaks and pan fried potatoes and eggs for everyone. Breakfast was the meal of choice as this facility’s drivers are on-the-go!
“It was a great opportunity to get this small group from the four corners of New Mexico together and celebrate them and their accomplishment,” said DLS Regional HR Manager Kevin Hamilton. “Everyone enjoyed the meal and the appreciation for their continued efforts of staying injury-free.”