Benefits Corner
Benefits Corner features stories on the closing of the 2020 open enrollment period. Also featured is info on the Employee Assistance Plan, December being Family Finances Month, how to receive a free glucose meter, and more.
Open Enrollment Period Closes

Open enrollment has ended and we are excited to announce that over 97 percent of Saia’s eligible employees participated in the annual event. The election of benefits was required to ensure benefits coverage for 2020. Please note that you will only receive a medical card if you newly elected coverage for the 2020 plan year. You may also print out a temporary card, by visiting
As a reminder, if you are covered under our dental plan, MetLife, a dental card is not required at the time of service; however, you can print a card by visiting our Employee Information Center. Additionally, for coverage verification, request that your dentist contact MetLife at 1-800-942-0854.
If you have any questions, please contact the Benefits Department at extension 2564 or email
Your Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)

Confidential help is available for you and your family members with a wide range of assistance, including:
- Counseling Services
- Financial and Legal Advice
- Family Support
- Help with Relationships, and more
Call 1-866-374-6054 or log onto and use the access code “SAIA”.
December Is Family Finances Month

Talking to your family about money may not be easy, but it’s important. Help your family become financially savvy so you can prepare your spouse to take on money management duties, if the need arises, and your children save for college. You can even include your family when making large financial decisions and set up activities focused on planning, budgeting, spending, and setting up goals.
Holiday Spending
It can be a wonderful time of year if you plan and budget…and then stick to it. Learn how to put money aside to help you get through the holidays, and afterward, with less stress and more happiness.
Start learning today through tools, how-to guides, short articles, and videos:
Healthy back, happy you.

If you have ongoing back pain, you’re not the only one. Around 80 percent of adults have low back pain during their lives. Good news — there are steps you can take to help manage that pain. Learn ways you can reduce flare-ups and keep your spine strong.
Want to learn tips on easing low back pain or have a health-related question?
NurseLine can help — call us today.
Call 1-800-504-5569
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Low back pain fact sheet. Accessed: 8/31/15.
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. What is back pain? Accessed: 8/31/15.
UpToDate. Subacute and chronic low back pain: Pharmacologic and noninterventional treatment. Accessed: 8/31/15.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Low back pain. Accessed: 8/31/15.
This program should not be used for emergency or urgent care needs. In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. The information provided through the nurse support service is for informational purposes only and provided as part of your health plan. The nurse cannot diagnose problems or recommend treatment and is not a substitute for your doctor’s care. Your health information is kept confidential in accordance with the law. This nurse support service is not an insurance program and may be discontinued at any time. The Centers of Excellence (COE) program providers and medical centers are independent contractors who render care and treatment to health plan members. The COE program does not provide direct healthcare services or practice medicine, and the COE providers and medical centers are solely responsible for medical judgments and related treatments. The COE program is not liable for any act or omission, including negligence, committed by any independent contracted healthcare professional or medical center.
© 2016 United HealthCare Services, Inc. PRJ1431 55462-042016 | 106088 120418
New Blood Glucose Meter at No Charge

Working hard to control your blood sugar levels?
Take the guesswork out of your numbers with the OneTouch Verio Flex® meter.
OneTouch® is the Sole Tier 1* test strip with UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual† for Saia and offers the best coverage on your drug benefit at the lowest co-pay‡.
- ColorSure® technology shows when your blood sugar numbers are in or out of range
- A compact, slim design makes it easy to take with you
- Option to sync data seamlessly with the free OneTouch Reveal® mobile app
- OneTouch Reveal® draws a timeline of important sugar events and activities
- Helps you see and share progress with your family, friends, or your trusted care network
Take the Next Step to Improve Your Management
Download the FREE OneTouch Reveal® app
Visit the app store on your mobile device, search “OneTouch Reveal,“ then install the app.
You can manually enter blood glucose results until you get your new OneTouch Verio Flex® meter.

Activate Bluetooth® on your OneTouch Verio Flex® meter
Press the OK button to turn on your meter.
Press the OK and ^ buttons at the same time to activate Bluetooth®.

Don’t forget to also activate Bluetooth® on your mobile device.
Open the OneTouch Reveal® app on your mobile device and follow the on-screen instructions.
When prompted, enter the PIN shown on your meter screen into your mobile device and tap Pair.

Example of a PIN number
Now you’re ready to test and sync!
Discover more at or call 1-866-693-0599
To get your OneTouch Verio Flex® meter at no charge:
Call 1-800-845-9525 and provide order code 236DMT001.
* Tier 1: For most plans, products are generally covered at lower co-pay or co-insurance than tier 2 or tier 3 products.
† OneTouch Ultra® test strips are covered at the same tier/co-pay as OneTouch Verio® test strips.
‡ Some health plans may have more than one test strip covered at the lowest co-pay.

Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by LifeScan Scotland Ltd. and its affiliates is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.