Workday — Coming March 16, 2022
Saia introduces the new Workday platform to make it simpler and easier to manage employee information and a variety of processes.
Employee information and employment processes for Saia are moving to Workday! This new platform will make it simpler and easier to manage a variety of employee processes and offer a unified experience for our organization. Best of all, all of our human resource functions will be moving to one system!
Top 7 Key Things to Know:
1. The way we onboard new employees will change, including our pre-hire and first day processes.
2. Changes for job seekers! Both our internal and external career/job opportunities will be moving.
3. Employee personal information will move to Workday.
4. Employee PTO/Time-off Balances
- Exception: Time entry for salary/exempt employees will begin March 16, 2022.
5. Employee Pay Slips and Direct Deposits
- Salaried employees, your first pay slip will be visible in Workday on April 1, 2022.
- Hourly employees will be able to see their pay slip in Workday starting April 6, 2022.
6. Workday will act as a single portal for employee development/learning.
7. Workday will allow employees to showcase their skills, interests and talents via Talent Management. (This includes succession planning and performance management.)
What you need to do to be prepared:
- If you were hired before January 9, 2022, then you are eligible to log into our practice Workday User Readiness site. Go ahead and give Workday a try to see just how easy it is to use. To access Workday’s practice site, scan the QR code below to download the Workday App.
SCAN HERE to download the Workday App. Sign in using your Windows/OKTA login.
- Workday is a cloud-based system, so to ensure the best performance/experience, make the latest version of Chrome or Microsoft Edge your default web browser for both your desktop and mobile devices. This will ensure proper functionality for Workday. Older browsers, like Internet Explorer or Opera, do not support many of the features needed to deliver the best user experience and may not provide the level of security required to ensure both data privacy and security.
- Please keep an eye out for more information on system access and training announcements over the next few weeks. Scan the first QR code below to watch a short overview video of Workday. Scan the second QR code to visit our change website for all change management communications.
SCAN HERE to review the Workday basic overview video.
Transition schedule:
Various Saia legacy systems will continue to shut down in preparation for our transition to Workday. These offline periods are necessary to transfer data from our old systems to Workday.
- March 6 is the last day to apply for an internal job on the COC.
- Salaried February attendance records must be submitted on February 28.
- All salaried PTO requests also need approval no later than March 4.
Look in your inbox!
Further information related to Workday, including the go-live site for how to log on officially, and updating your web browser, will be shared via your Saia registered email address and through SaiaCONNECT. You may also email with any questions or concerns you have.