Benefits Corner
The Benefits Corner this month covers Saia's new Healthy Directions Program with important information on what is needed to complete the packet by October 15, 2018.
Saia's Healthy Directions Program Checklist
Check off the below steps as you complete each step of the program. Once all steps are checked, you have completed the necessary steps to avoid the elective wellness premium increase: If you were hired on or before December 31, 2017 you and your eligible spouse enrolled in the medical plan should each complete the below steps in order to avoid the elective wellness premium increase.

Print your Healthy Directions Packet
- Located on the Employee Information Center (EIC)
- If you are having difficulty printing your packet, please contact your supervisor for assistance.

Complete and sign the Registration & Consent Form

Complete and sign the Authorization of Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form

Schedule an annual preventive physical with your PCP
- Primary Care Physicians (PCP) includes: Internal Medicine; Family Practice; General Medicine; OBGYNs
- Your physical must occur between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018. Take your Healthy Directions packet with you to your appointment and have your doctor complete and sign the Biometric Measures & Physical Confirmation. It is the participant's responsibility to return the form as part of the completed packet by October 15, 2018.
- Have you already received your annual preventive physical within the above timeframe? Take your Healthy Directions packet to your physician's office to have the Biometric Measures & Physical Confirmation Form completed.
- In some instances wellness services may result in more than one office visit.

Submit your completed packet by October 15, 2018
- Submit completed packet in its entirety in one of two ways:
- Scan and email to
- Secure fax 513-487-4672
- Keep a copy of all forms for your files. We will notify you via email when your packet has been processed. Allow 7-10 business days.
Email: or Call: 866-256-9007
TriHealth Business Hours: M-F 8:30 AM – 5 PM EST. If you leave a voicemail TriHealth will return your call within 48 business hours.