monthly news for Saia employees
May 2018

Saia Honors Employees with Safety Awards

Saia honors over 4,700 employees for their outstanding commitment to safety.

During our quarterly meetings, we recognized over 4,700 employees for their commitment to safety in 2017.

Saia city and line drivers were honored for their years of safe service/miles of safe driving while dockworkers, hostlers, mechanics, and other maintenance and material handling employees were recognized for the number of years they have worked without a lost-time injury.

All were given a certificate commemorating their achievement along with a custom pin notating their years of safe service. Aside from certificates and pins, many employees were also given jackets, rings and watches.

EFF Terminal
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EVA Terminal
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FSC Terminal
FSC Terminal
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GNC Terminal
GNC Terminal
GNC Terminal
HKY Terminal
MIA Terminal
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MPS Terminal
MPS Terminal
RED Terminal

Drivers with 3 million miles, or 24 years, of accident-free driving are given a custom medallion dial gold watch. Twenty-two drivers received a watch during the meetings. Additionally, diamonds are added at each additional 500,000 miles, or four years, of accident-free driving. Up to four diamonds can be added for a driver who has reached 5 million miles, or 40 years, of safe driving service.

Ten drivers received one diamond while nine received a second diamond for their watch. As was mentioned during the employee meeting video, one driver, Lester Radford of Alexandria, Louisiana received a third diamond for his watch. Lester, who is a city driver, has driven 4.5 million miles or 36 years, accident-free — a truly remarkable accomplishment!

Drivers with 1 million miles, or eight years, of accident-free driving received a custom, personalized gold ring. This year, 149 drivers received one. For each additional 500,000 miles, or four years, of accident-free driving, a diamond is added to the ring. Up to three diamonds can be added for a driver who has reached 2.5 million miles or 20 years of accident-free driving. This year, 121 drivers received their first diamond while 58 received their second and 73 received their third.

Line drivers with 500,000 miles, or four years of service, and city drivers with four years of safe driving were awarded a special Saia jacket. This year, 230 drivers received one. Dockworkers, hostlers, mechanics and the like with four years of injury-free service were presented with a jacket as well.

The Safety Department also presented employees with its third safety "challenge" coin. This year’s coin is a reminder for all of us to lift safely as we work each day. The postcard recognizes four individuals who have worked nearly 80 years without a workplace injury:

  • GLK Mechanic Jerry Sawyer
  • SPT Dockworker Ronnie Ball
  • STL Dockworker Mike Maynard
  • ATL Dockworker Chancy Graham