Around Saia
This month's Around Saia features the American Trucking Associations' Share the Road Event. Also featured are stories on the retirement of NSH Line Driver Ken Ray and Saia's Support of the Wounded Warriors Amputee Football Team.
Share the Road Event Held
Members of the American Trucking Associations' (ATA) Road Team, an "elite group of professionals who serve as trucking industry ambassadors,” including Saia’s very own HST Line Driver James Moore, spoke at a “Share the Road” event on Dec. 8 at Houston Community College in Houston, Texas.
During their time on the team, captains like James continue their work as full-time drivers, but also represent the ATA at events like this around the country where they talk about the life of an American truck driver, the important role trucking plays in the delivery of critical goods and the safety-first mentality held by all professional truck drivers.

NSH Line Driver Retires

Ken Ray, a Nashville, Tennessee line driver, recently retired after more than 24 years at the company. He was honored by his peers at the terminal with a crystal recognizing his service as well as a congratulatory cake. All of us at Saia wish you a long and joyous retirement, Ken! We sincerely appreciate your service!
Saia Supports Wounded Warriors

Saia partnered with the Wounded Warrior Amputee Football Team (WWAFT) when they came to town to take on Atlanta Falcon and NFL alumni during a game being held as part of recent Super Bowl festivities. Held on Jan. 30th at XL Sports World in Fairburn, Georgia, the game was WWAFT’s eighth straight Super Bowl week win.
Many thanks to all Saia employees who came out to enjoy the game and support the wounded warriors! Our thanks to the team members who came out and visited with employees at the ACO!