Safety Source
Speed Management: What is a safe-driving speed?
Safety Training Manager Samuel Wilfert talks about the best strategy to avoid the risks of improper speed and tips on driving smarter — not faster.
Driving at a safe speed is the best strategy to avoid the risks of improper speed.
First, know the speed limit! Safe speed limits for roadways are determined by engineering design and studies. The posted speed limit is the safest maximum speed “when all conditions are perfect.” Remember, speed limits are not guidelines, they’re the law! Along with knowing the speed limit, there’s another component to determining a safe-driving speed. Assess the driving conditions, which may dictate a slower speed than the posted speed limit.
These conditions include:
- Heavy traffic or slow-moving vehicles
- Wet or slippery roadways
- Reduced visibility due to fog, heavy rain or snow
- Poor road surfaces
- Animals, pedestrians or construction on or along the roadway

Drive Smart, Not Fast
Here are some general defensive driving tips to avoid improper speeding on the road:
- Allow enough time to reach your destination....Don’t rush
- Know and follow the speed limit
- Reduce speed as dictated by driving conditions
- Reduce speed in work and school zones, and drive cautiously
- And always be alert to traffic around you — ahead, behind, and on either side of your vehicle