Benefits Corner
Benefits Corner this month features stories on Saia’s Healthy Directions Program and basic term life insurance. Also featured are 10th anniversary employees.
Saia’s Healthy Directions Program
Simple Steps to a Healthier You!

How does the program work?
To avoid the elective wellness premium increase in 2021, employees and spouses enrolled in the Saia medical plan, or those who plan to enroll in 2021, must complete the following steps before the 9/30/2020 deadline.

Avoid the Elective Wellness Premium Increase in 2021
A – Registration & Consent Form
- Complete and sign the Registration & Consent Form in its entirety and submit to
- Forms are available on the Employee Information Center (EIC).
B – Authorization of Use & Disclosure of Protected Health Information Form
- Complete and sign the form in its entirety and submit to
C – Physician Results Form
- Complete an annual physical exam with your primary care physician (PCP) between
10/1/2019 and 9/30/2020. - Complete a standard lab-test blood draw.
- If you do not have a PCP, you can select one from the Saia health benefit plan UHC network.
- Have your PCP complete and sign the Physician Results Form. It is your responsibility to submit the forms to TriHealth.
D – Submit Completed Forms by 10/15/2020
- Scan and email to:
- Or, securely fax to: 513-487-4672
- Employees/spouses are responsible for submitting forms A, B, and C, not the physician.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Employees and spouses who are enrolled, or who plan to be enrolled, in the medical plan for 2021 are required to complete the Healthy Directions Packet to avoid the wellness charge.
Basic Term Life Insurance

Financially Protecting Your Loved Ones Should the Unexpected Happen
Saia, Inc. provides you with MetLife Basic Term Life insurance coverage and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance based on your annual earnings – no medical questions asked.
This important coverage helps your family financially prepare if you are no longer there to handle expenses like:
- Mortgage or rent payments
- Insurance premiums
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Food
- Childcare/education fees
A variety of services are included as part of MetLife Advantages:
- Delivering the Promise helps beneficiaries sort through the details and serious questions about
claims and financial needs during a difficult time. MetLife has arranged for third party financial professionals to be available for assistance in-person or by telephone to help with filing life insurance claims, government benefits and help with financial questions. - The Funeral Planning Guide helps you document important financial information and decisions now so that your loved ones and beneficiaries have them later.
- Grief Counseling provides five confidential counseling sessions in person or telephonic per event to help cope with a loss – whether it’s a death, an illness, a divorce, losing a pet or even a child leaving home.
- Beneficiary Grief Counseling sessions can meet your beneficiary’s needs. Any beneficiary who receives the life insurance proceeds is eligible for up to five counseling sessions. These sessions can be in-person or by phone with one of LifeWorks’ network of counselors who provide professional, confidential support during difficult times.
- Through you can prepare a will, living will, power of attorney and HIPAA authorization form on your own, at your own pace, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Questions about MetLife Basic Term Life coverage or any of the valuable services, please speak to your HR Representative or contact MetLife at 1-800-GET-MET8 (1-800-438-6388).

1. MetLife administers the Delivering the Promise program, but has arranged for a third party to have specially-trained financial professionals offer financial education and, upon request, provide personal guidance to employees and former employees of companies providing this program through MetLife.
2. Grief Counseling and Funeral Assistance services are provided through an agreement with LifeWorks. US Inc. LifeWorks is not an affiliate of MetLife, and the services LifeWorks provides are separate and apart from the insurance provided by MetLife. LifeWorks has a nationwide network of over 30,000 counselors. Counselors have master’s or doctoral degrees and are licensed professionals. The Grief Counseling program does not provide support for issues such as: domestic issues, parenting issues, or marital/relationship issues (other than a finalized divorce). For such issues, members should inquire with their human resources department about available company resources. This program is available to insureds, their dependents and beneficiaries who have received a serious medical diagnosis or suffered a loss. Events that may result in a loss are not covered under this program unless and until such loss has occurred. [Services are not available in all jurisdictions and are subject to regulatory approval. Not available on all policy forms.]
2. Beneficiary Grief Counseling services are provided through an agreement with LifeWorks. US Inc. LifeWorks is not an affiliate of MetLife, and the services LifeWorks provides are separate and apart from the insurance provided by MetLife. LifeWorks has a nationwide network of over 30,000 counselors. Counselors have master’s or doctoral degrees and are licensed professionals. This program is available only to beneficiaries of MetLife group Life Insurance programs. Events that may result in a loss are not covered under this program unless and until such loss has occurred.
3. is a document service provided by SmartLegalForms, Inc., an affiliate of Epoq Group, Ltd. SmartLegalForms, Inc. is not affiliated with MetLife and the service is separate and apart from any insurance or service provided by MetLife. The service does not provide access to an attorney, does not provide legal advice, and may not be suitable for your specific needs. Please consult with your financial, legal, and tax advisors for advice with respect to such matters.
Life and AD&D coverages are provided under a group insurance policy (Policy Form GPN99) issued to your employer by MetLife. Life and AD&D coverages under your employer’s plan terminates when your employment ceases, when your Life and AD&D contributions cease, or upon termination of the group insurance policy. Dependent Life coverage will terminate when a dependent no longer qualifies as a dependent. Should your life insurance coverage terminate, for reasons other than non-payment of premium, you may convert it to a MetLife individual permanent policy without providing medical evidence of insurability.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company | 200 Park Avenue | New York, NY 10166
L0919518541[exp0421][All States][DC,GU,MP,PR,VI] © 2019 MetLife Services and Solutions, LLC
Congratulations 10th Anniversary Employees!
Congratulations to the following Saia employees on their 10-year anniversary! Having reached this wonderful milestone, they are now eligible to receive company-paid medical, prescription, and vision coverage with no premiums!
John Baisley III
May Her
Rosalie Herr
Genevieve Racanelli
Robert Chase
Sedric Colbert
Eugene Grable, Jr.
William Netteleton
Steven Priest
Gary Kaiser
Lorena Hulse
Yerania Sandoval
Douglas McKay, Sr.
Richard Campbell
Daniel Duarte
David Franklin
Derrick Grudzien
Jermaine Johnson
James Wallace
David Weaver
Steven Gilliland
Eric Johnson
Monica Johnson
Patrick Roseboro
Brian Burk
Keith Vazsonyi
Brian Parker
David Shaffer
William Doran
Dennis Zentner
Desmond Chambers
Omagan Daniels
Anthony Hayes
Sean Walker
Darrell Krebs
Adrian Seigel
Kodzo Tsatsou
Michael Watkins
Eric Acevedo
David Diez
Obed Lopez
Walter Goodson, Jr.
Eric Gyland
Anthony Whisenant
Andrew Munoz
Phillip Moore
Jason Morgan
Jose Cordova
Christopher Sims
Brian Farmer
Charles Campbell
Randall Day
John Doss
Calvin Lehotta
Terry Palmer
Charles Shoemaker
Joseph Fitch III
David Martinez, Sr.
John Reed
Guadalupe Fonseca
Jose Marquez Garcia
Joe Sanchez, Jr.
Thornton Price-Williams, Jr.
Sharron Barksdale
Francisco Gutierrez III
Zibbrim Jeffers
Robert Duke
Jonathan Hudson
Phillip Wilson
Michael Celedonio
Eric Vann
Richard Cates
Thomas Rutledge II
Ronald Donley
Rodney Mayberry
William Cox
David Webster
Brice Venables
James Gilmore
Walter Cook
Travis Garner
Steven Rogers
Darrell Stevens
Frederick Westbrook, Sr.
Timothy Weyrauch
Douglas Collins
Brian Workman
Shanon Harris