monthly news for Saia employees
May 2024

Around Saia

This month, we spotlight “Career Day," the retirement of a long-time operations clerk, and a Touch-A-Truck event.

Saia Goes to School

Recently, Valerie Powell, our Atlanta (ATL) Regional Human Resources Manager had the privilege of attending and presenting during “Career Day” at Oak View Elementary School in Decatur, Georgia.

“The staff and kids were all intrigued to learn about our industry,” she explained. “Needless to say, the kids were excited to honk the horn a million times.”

Long-time Operations Clerk Retires

Jackson, Mississippi (JKS) Operations Clerk Cindy Orr recently retired after nearly 33 years with the company! She began her career at Saia in 1991.

Numerous employees, as well as family and friends, helped Cindy celebrate during a reception held at the terminal.

Cindy, congratulations on your many years of service! Thank you! We know you will be greatly missed. We wish you a long and wonderful retirement!

Saia Participates in Touch-A-Truck Event

Atlanta Northeast (ANE) City Driver Jay Butler represented Saia at a Touch-A-Truck event being held in Johns Creek, Georgia recently. Parents and kids enjoyed getting to see a tractor up close as well as pick up some company-branded giveaways including a Saia coloring book and flashlight.